First things first – we owe a massive thanks to Ramsay & Jackson and Takeuchi UK for allowing us to be part of their demo/dig day at the weekend.
A very impressive display of Takeuchi machinery was on show over both days, from the smallest TB210R up to the big TB2150 14-ton excavators.
Is it nice to see brand new machinery lined up, clean and polished? Of course! Is it even better to be able to get in them and put them to the test doing exactly what they were designed for? Absolutely! That is exactly what was on offer at this open day – 10 Takeuchi excavators open to interested customers and curious operators to test.
You would have been forgiven for expecting a restricted area with excavators on half revs and a basic “demo area” – that was very much not the case here! 1-ton micro diggers up to 14-ton excavators in a wide-open site and the ability to “properly” test-drive made this a unique event to be part of.
Takeuchi models on static display were the TB210R, TB219, TB225, TB325, TB260, TB370, TB395W, TB2150 with Engcon
Takeuchi excavators on the demo site included the TB210R, TB216, TB325, TB250, TB260 with Engcon, TB290 with Simex VSE10, TB2150R.
We were honoured to be asked to supply some display and demo attachments for the day, these included an Auger Torque 4500MAX auger package, Cangini TC1-60 flail, G-Rake GR120/GR150, and the Simex VSE 10 screening bucket on the demo TB290.

Simex VSE10 – Takeuchi TB290-2
As part of the demo/test drive area, we were able to supply a Simex VSE 10 screening bucket to use on a Takeuchi TB290-2 excavator. The ability to easily change the oputput size of the screened material proved crucial in effectively demonstrating the buckets capability in sorting less than ideal material. Heavy rain on day 1 along with the proceeding days meant that the dig site was full with heavy wet material that fixed screen buckets might have struggled to operate in.
The 9ton excavator with the Simex bucket was open for test drives on both days and had a steady flow of operators putting it to the test. The majority of the screening was done with the bucket set on the largest (0-55mm) shaft settings to compensate for the heavy material.
Despite the weather we were pleased to hear the positive feedback on the performance of the excavator and bucket combination.
Takeuchi Time Challenge
Keeping the crowds entertained over the both days was the Takeuchi Time Challenge hosted by Dave Vickers. Featuring the electric Takeuchi TB20e – stacking the tyres proved easier for some than others!
Congratulations to David Irvine of DMI Contracts for setting the fastest time of 47 seconds.
As always – Digging with Dave kept up the energy around the Takeuchi time challenge area along with being on hand and more than willing to discuss all things Takeuchi. Was great to finally meet the man himself in person – hopefully we have the opportunity to make some more content together over the coming months!

Once again – we must give a massive thanks to the full team at Ramsay & Jackson and Takeuchi UK for giving us the opportunity to be part of this event and making us feel very much part of the team over the last 2 days. Hopefully, this is the first of many of this style event to come in Scotland.
Keep your eyes on our YouTube channel for the next episode of “Week to Week” that will show you around the both days in even more detail!
In the meantime, some more pictures below for you to enjoy……